
Social media is awesome for business. I KNOW this isn’t first time you’re hearing this. It’s so awesome for business because it lets you take a little peak into the lives of your “would be” customers and adapt to become more useful, more valuable, and more sought after by those same people.

The secret sauce on social media is different for everyone. Every business is a little different, every tribe is a little different, every one of us boss ladies are a little different. As social media grows, each platform is evolving into something more flexible to better accommodate that diversity. Facebook especially, has become a really dynamic resource for creative entrepreneurs.

If you’re working to improve your Facebook page and start using the platform to attract sales you’re going to find that trial and error with your content will guide you to some of your best results.

Not everything needs to be left up to experimentation though. I’ve worked on the accounts and campaigns for hundreds of companies and have extensively tried and tested most of the major theories floating around the web regarding engagement building.

Don’t let Facebook hold you back. Here are 4 of the biggest mistakes you might be making on the social network, and how to skip the experimenting phase to get right to the sales.


The fastest, easiest, and most effective way to start building a better Facebook page is to set a schedule and stick to it. Consistent posts to your page improve your reach, attract new followers, and encourage engagement from fans.

One of the biggest mistakes entrepreneurs make on social media comes from a lack of planning.

Posting 5 times a day religiously for 2 weeks and then ignoring your account for months won’t attract clients, and will leave you feeling frustrated and burnt out.

Find yourself a good system for a content calendar, plan out your core posts for the month, and schedule time in your day, each and every day, to interacting with your community.


How could tons of awesome, original content ever be bad? You’re working so hard to fill up your channels with the best stuff you can produce and now you’re being scolded?

I know it seems surprising, but I don’t see a lot of people talking about the value of a good mix of content on social streams. Facebook is a great way to connect with influencers in your space that can help you attract new traffic, generate leads, and get people buying. If you’re never sharing content from your peers, you’re never going to be able to take advantage of the true value of Facebook.

Its called a social NETWORKING platform for a reason. Use it to build new connections and get noticed by some of the other amazing authors in your space.

Remember, every brand is different, but try starting with a mix of content like this to give your page a boost.

60% Original, Inspiring/Informative Content
30% Posts From Other People
10% Call To Actions


The comments section on posts is an amazing opportunity to demonstrate your worth to potential clients.

Whenever a reader feels so compelled by your content that they will take the time to leave you a message, a door has been opened. If you’re responding to…

“Wow, great info! I’m definitely going to apply this to my next post!”

You have just slammed that open door firmly shut.

Learning to respond well to comments is hands down the easiest thing you can do to improve engagement and begin attracting sales directly from social media.

Whenever possible (it’s always possible) respond to commenters with heartfelt, appreciative OPEN ENDED questions. Keep the conversation going by asking a question, or providing some mind-blowing piece of information that will have the person on the other end of the internet jumping back to their keyboard to find out more.

Start looking at the comments section of your page as a list of leads. Get those people to PM you, e-mail you, or navigate back to your website by enriching their lives in some way.

They started the conversation, it’s safe to assume they want to talk.


Nobody likes a thief. The photos you post online are a great opportunity to showcase you and your product. By stealing images you are passing up an excellent opportunity to demonstrate what it is that you offer.

Original photos give you control over your own brand, they inspire people to read more of your content, and they demonstrate your product in a way that people can see and share.

Stock photos can go a long way to supporting your brand too, but no matter where you get the photos from, be sure you actually have the right to use them. It’s good on so many levels.

Now that you know what not to do, get ready to give your social media a makeover. My “Stunning Social” 10 day e-course is an easy to follow, step by step guide to turning your social channels into a lead capturing machine. The best part about it, it’s totally FREE! Sign up here and start being awesome.